Intuitive Eating cover photo of Elizabeth Cauchois of Core Moms

My Starter Guide to Intuitive Eating

Challenge this chatter and any internal negative thought patterns that categorize foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Food doesn’t have morals… but they do have values! If you tip the scale toward filling up on more nutrient dense foods that give your body vibrant energy… but still leave room for a smaller portion of less nutrient dense treats, you can start to eliminate the feelings of failure or guilt surrounding food.

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The Neutral Position of the Spine image

The Neutral Position of the Spine

When we hear someone recommend ‘proper’ or ‘good’ posture, if you’re anything like me, you’ll think “so I must sit, stand, walk and sleep erect/ constipated-looking to avoid all body pain?” My little secret is.. no! ‘Good’ or ‘bad’ posture doesn’t have to be permanent state of being, posture becomes good/bad due to it’s timeline…

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Writing passionately from personal experience, research and reflection, I am ready to dive in and share some tricks I’ve learned along the way as a professional acrobat, certified health/ fitness instructor and proud mom of baby boy, Oliver.

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